The Fountain

Wilson’s Fountain is a Metaphor

Technology powers the pump

Wilson’s Fountain starts with its pump, the political committee poised to become the National Party. This committee is responsible for developing and publishing the free and equal contest. It will adhere to all federal election laws but, since it has no ideology, will otherwise not resemble a traditional political party.

This “Party” is nonpartisan and commits to always deploy an equal number of red and blue campaigns during each election cycle.

Note: Federal election law prohibits a direct link from this website to any political committee website.

A system of checks and balances

A political committee of constituents runs the nominating process for each district. This Nominating Committee makes the contest relevant to the locale and assures that contestants follow the rules. 

The National Party validates the results of all contests. The Super PAC relies on this qualification to allot funds for the nominees’ media campaigns.

The Super PAC in Wilson’s Fountain is atypical. It does not assign campaign funds until after the contests are over and the people have chosen their nominee. This is how Wilson’s Fountain removes strings from campaign funds. 

Upon becoming official nominees for federal office, contest winners are required to open a bank account and form a candidate committee. However, contest rules will compel the nominee to appoint a treasurer designated by the Nominating Committee and to close the bank account at the end of the general election cycle.

These committees working in conjunction create the fountain of true representation Wilson envisioned. The filter engages when an elected representative must enter the free and equal contest for re-election.

Why Wilson’s Fountain Works

It’s simply math. The current system uses money and a weighted primary to push representation away from the center of the bell curve in gerrymandered districts.

Wilson’s Fountain works because technology facilitates a larger field with systematic elimination over multiple rounds. And as in sports, when you open the competition and make it fair, it encourages participation with the best emerging. An accessible, easy-to-use system will also generate many more votes than the public primary, with the winner always finishing with more than 50%.

A district with a nominee produced by Wilson’s Fountain features a candidate who can statistically demonstrate their popularity over the major party nominee. Who do you vote for in the general election, the one from the free and equal contest solely motivated to serve you, or the one who is part of the problem?

Most voters aren’t ruby red or navy blue.

A Moneyball way to change the system.

Whereas traditional parties use data solely to elicit donations, Wilson’s Fountain can utilize analytics in game-changing fashion. Success depends on uncovering voters, not donors.

Resources can be applied to find the districts where planks of the major party platforms are misaligned, or too extreme, for their demographic. Placed into the right population, Wilson’s Fountain relies on the free and equal contest to yield a nominee who resolves the imbalance and is then poised to win in the general election.

Why else?

Running for Congress no longer means becoming a slave to donors or selling one’s soul to win re-election. More people are encouraged to run for office, raising the bar and improving the quality of representation.

Prospective nominees will have to earn their votes. Winning an election won’t be about exploiting wealth, leveraging a family name, or hijacking a national issue.

Staunch party members will likely prefer the two-party system over candidates produced via Wilson’s Fountain. Think about that!

So, what’s the strategy behind wilson’s foundation?